Institutional, practical, research and educational components of biomechanical tests in sportsnd educational components of biomechanical tests in sports
PhD, Professor A.A. Zakharov1, 2
Dr.Hab., Professor A.A. Shalmanov2
PhD, Professor E.A. Lukunina2
1Moscow Secondary Special College of Olympic Reserve No. 2 (College), Moscow
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Objective of the study was to develop and test benefits of a biomechanical test system to rate the technical and speed-strength progress in weightlifting. The study was performed at Olympic Reserve School #2 in Moscow with application of the SCOLIPE-2012 Technical and Speed-strength Progress Test Method. The Moscow Sport Committee kindly provided support for the Olympic Reserve School #2 in procurement of the test equipment including two Canon photo/video cameras with recording frequency of up to 50 frames per second and a Ristler (Switzerland) dynamometric platform for the biomechanical test system.
The bilateral video captures were used to profile the weight movement trajectory, compute mass center movement kinematics, dynamics and rotation versus vertical and sagittal axes of the weight. The dynamometric platform gives the means to record platform response strength vector, compute pressure center coordinates and athlete-weight mass center kinematics and dynamics; with the test process controlled and harmonized by a sync system with a special control software. The biomechanical test system to rate the technical and speed-strength progress in weightlifting may be applied both for tests and other research purposes in this sport discipline.
Keywords: research and practical provisions for athletic training, training process control, biomechanical tests, computerized test system, athletic mastery.
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