Trans-disciplinary educational environment at pedagogical university: formation model
PhD, Associate Professor V.E. Zhabakov1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor V.G. Makarenko1
PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Osintsev1
Associate Professor G.P. Konyakhina1
1South Ural State University of Humanities and Education (SUSHPU), Chelyabinsk
Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of the new trans-disciplinary educational environment formation model piloted at Physical Education Theory and Practice Department of the Higher School of Physical Education and Sports under South Ural State Pedagogical University. Sampled for the study were 17-22 year-old students (n=95) split up into three groups tested with (1) high ambitions and competency levels; (2) low ambitions and competency levels; and (3) proneness to overstresses and concentration. The sample progress in the trans-disciplinary educational environment formation model piloting experiment was rated by the individual determination for academic progress including motivations system and independence in the learning process. The individual determination for academic progress was rated by the by C. Zamfir Professional Motivation Test adapted by A.A. Rean; and the G.S. Prygin Learning Independence Test. We applied a method of multidimensional matrices for the trans-disciplinary learning progress rating purposes, with the similar problems solving cognitive experience applied in the trans-disciplinary format. Benefits of the trans-disciplinary educational environment formation model were tested by a set of progress criteria including the individual determination for academic progress including motivations system, independence in the learning process and quality of the academic educational process in the disciplinary-specific and temporal terms.
Keywords: trans-disciplinary educational environment, pedagogical university, ambitions and competency levels.
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