Corrective and health improvement physical education model for children with speech pathologies
PhD P.V. Chukhno1
PhD, Associate Professor А.М. Akhmetov1
R.R. Valinurov1
L.E. Shkolnikova1
1Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, Naberezhnye Chelny
The study analyzes benefits of a new corrective and health improvement physical education model driven by basketball trainings for primary schoolchildren with speech pathology to facilitate their physical progress. The study analyzes the theoretical grounds for the authors’ basketball physical training model and findings of the model testing educational experiment.
Sampled for the model testing experiment were primary schoolchildren (n=48) diagnosed with Class III speech disorders and trained at special general education school, with the sample split up into an Experimental (EG) and Reference (RG) Groups of 24 people each. The sample was subject to standard anthropometric measurements and physicality test. The new basketball-driven corrective and health improvement physical education model was found beneficial as verified by the sample progress in morpho-functional and physical fitness test indices.
Keywords: health protection, health limitations, speech disorders, morpho-functional indices, correction, schoolchildren, physical fitness.
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