Junior physical education and health system design customized to somatotype and body composition



N.N. Vengerova1
E.N. Komissarova2
Y.A. Klyus2
P.V. Rodichkin3
1St. Petersburg State University of Economics, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg
3Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg

The study considers the kinesiological designs of efficient physical education and health systems based on the bioimpedance and functionality test data with an emphasis on the somatotypes and body compositions, for junior (17-18 year-old) male trainees. The study was competed at Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University and University of Economics. Sampled for the study were the 17-18 year-old males (n=177) of the following three body builds: macro-somatic type (МаС, 15.5% of the sample); meso-somatic type (МеС, 33.3%); and micro-somatic type (МiС, 32.3%). The sample was tested with domination of the low (37.2%) and poor (36.1%) physical working capacity rates (by the Ruffier index) and hypoxic tolerance rates (by the breath-holding tests). The study data and analyses showed that the bio-impedance method with the functionality express test data is highly beneficial for the kinesiological design of efficient physical education and health systems for junior trainees with customizable physical training toolkits.
The kinesiological design offered herein is recommended for the group trainings under the academic physical education discipline, as well as for the self-reliant and fitness group trainings.

Keywords: training process design, body build (somatotypes), bioimpedance data analysis, body composition, 17-18 year-old males, functionality tests.


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