Academic sport club to cultivate sport culture values



PhD, Associate Professor T.I. Chedova1
Director of Univer sports club S.V. Solovyev1
1Perm State National Research University, Perm
2Univer sports club, Perm

Efforts of academic sports clubs to encourage the sport culture values cultivating process are known to facilitate the general culture development process. We designed and implemented a special project to improve the students’ personality development process by giving a special priority to the sport culture values cultivating process. An educational experiment under the study was completed at Univer Sport Club of Perm State National Research University (PSNRU) in September 2016 through April 2017 with the 1-2-year students (In=52) of 18-20 years of age split up into a Reference (RG) and Experimental (EG) Groups sampled for the experiment. Both of the groups were trained with the picked university football and rugby teams, respectively. The EG training included the sport culture values cultivating model.
The sample progress in the sport culture values cultivating process was rated using the following tests: A.V. Shaboltas’ Sport Motivations Test; V.G. Romek’s Self-Confidence Test; N.Y. Stambulova’s Volitional Qualities Self-test; plus the GTO Complex tests to rate the physical fitness of the sample. The sport culture values cultivating model was found beneficial as verified by the EG versus RG pre- and post-experimental progress test data.

Keywords: students, academic sports club, sport culture values.


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