Succession in senior school and university health cultures



PhD, Associate Professor K.V. Chedov
Perm State National Research University, Perm

In its response to the modern challenges, the national educational system gives a growing priority to the health values system formation in students with the relevant social and educational implications. A special emphasis is made on the succession of health values and health culture in transition from a general education school to universities and vocational educational establishments.
For the study purposes, we analyzed on a systemic basis the existing educational models in the context of the health culture building aspects and the modern theories, practices and policies with concern to the health culture of the junior population. The research methods applied for the study purposes included comparative analysis, theoretical generalization of the study findings, education process survey, questionnaire survey and interviews to find the respondents’ viewpoints by sets of standard questions on the subject. The study was completed at general education schools (Senior School in Tchaikovsky, and Secondary General Education School #13 in Kungury town) and universities (Perm State National Research University and Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture) in the Perm Territory. Based on the study data and analyses, we offer facilitating institutional and educational provisions to secure due succession of the senior school and university health cultures.

Keywords: succession, health culture, senior pupils and students.


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