National physical education and sports sector: resource supply versus sporting population
Dr.Hab., Professor E.V. Kuzmicheva
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
The study analyzes the resource supply situation in the national physical education and sports (PES) sector versus the sector service popularity (sporting population). The Federal Program of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 provides for the following: engage 40% of the national population in the habitual PES practices by 2020 (versus the current 31.9%); meet 48% of the public demand for sport facilities (versus the current rate of 29.7%); and increase the sport infrastructure service rate to 50.7% of the standard. However, the efforts to increase the financing, build up the sport infrastructure and encourage the sector service popularity may not always be successful as demonstrated by the human resource inflow statistics. Objective of the study was to find correlation if any of the resource supply to the PES sector and the sporting population (numbers of trainees), and identify the key factors that hamper the human resource inflow. As demonstrated by the statistical reporting data of 8 federal territorial and 85 regional governments of the Russian Federation including numbers of trainees, financial assignments, training service per capita and sport infrastructure service rates, the present consolidated progress rates appear still too slow to attain the goals set forth by the Federal Program for every region. It should be noted that the resource supply data (on a per-capita basis) widely vary across the regions, with 10-times differences in some cases. Only one federal territory was found reporting the statistically significant positive correlation of the sector costs per capita with the sporting population growth rates; whilst the peak service capacity (PSC) of the sport infrastructure was found correlated with the human resource numbers in percentage terms only in 2 out of 8 federal territories. It was found, therefore, that the traditional policies to increase the numbers of trainees tend to become increasingly inefficient with time and, hence, further research is needed for the sector progress.
Keywords: chess sport, adaptive chess sport, mid- and top-level chess players’ training system.
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