Adaptive and compensatory resource building in physical rehabilitation of gymnasts with spinal cord injuries
PhD, Associate Professor S.Ya. Koval1
PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Khomyakova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.Y. Shishko1
PhD, Associate Professor E.I. Nagaeva1
PhD, Associate Professor V.F. Krovyakov1
1V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol
The study analyzes benefits of a special physical rehabilitation model applied to gymnasts with spinal cord injuries and geared to build up the physical functionality, compensatory resource and muscular strength. The model piloting experiment has been performed at Burdenko Sanatorium in Saki for 2 months on a daily basis. Sampled for the study were 30-33 years old (n=20) former gymnasts with 5+ year long spinal injuries at the final stage of post-spinal-cord-injury (severity class D10-L1) rehabilitation.
The physical rehabilitation model was found beneficial as verified by the sample’s progress in the motor abilities driven by the replacement compensation principle i.e. with the impaired muscles of the transitional zone above the injury being engaged in the practices together with healthy muscle groups. A set of special isometric, dynamic and corrective exercises applied by the model was intended to build strength in the muscles and scale down the muscular deformations, overtone and hyperspasticity rates. The rehabilitation processes were facilitated by the therapeutic massage to normalize the metabolic processes in the body tissues, improve the lymph/ blood flows, mitigate pains, speed up the nervous fibers regeneration, reinforce the musculoskeletal system, build up strength, prevent and reduce atrophy and, hence, to make the patients more physically active. The physical rehabilitation model was tested to improve the bodily adaptive, reserve and compensatory resources and, therefore, may be recommended for rehabilitation of athletes after spinal (lower thoracic) cord injuries.
Keywords: adaptation, compensation, motor functions, gymnasts, spinal cord injuries.
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