Competitive mental adaptability in team sports



PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Kuzmin1
PhD, Associate Professor S.Yu. Tatarova1
Yu.V. Shakirova1
V.A. Zhikhoreva1
I.N. Antonova1
S.Yu. Vitko1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The study considers some issues of differential sport psychology with concern to the competitive mental adaptability in team sports, and specifies the key general and specific external and internal factors of influence on success of the mental adaptation process in sports on the whole and modern team sports in particular. The study offers a set of general competitive mental adaptation rating criteria with a subset of the team-sports-specific criteria. The general mental adaptation criteria include competitive environment rating ability; competitive success rating ability; and prestart condition rating criteria. Objective criteria include intellectual activity model success rate and competitive adaptability criteria. The team-sport-specific adaptability criteria include the competitive environment rating ones including social and climatic conditions, external uncertainties, prestart mental conditions and emotional balance rating criteria.
Objective competitive adaptability factors include competitive conditions and social characteristics of athletes. Subjective competitive adaptability factors include individual emotional, volitional and motivational qualities and abilities. The educational and mental conditioning services in team sports shall be designed with due consideration for the individual adaptability rates of the athletes.

Keywords: differential sport psychology, mental adaptation, team sports, adaptability factors, adaptability criteria, competitive environment.


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