Values and priorities system for success in teams sports



PhD, Professor T.N. Sakharova1
Master of Psychology K.T. Aivazova1
1Moscow State Pedagogical University (MSPU), Moscow

Sport is a special kind of activity that represents a huge part of a person's life and has a special effect on the semantic sphere.
The present study analyzes the values and priorities system for success in team sports versus that in the individual sport and in non-sporting junior female groups. The empirical study data and analyses may be applied to improve professional training systems, since the individual/ group values and priorities systems may be same critical for success in sports than intellectual and physical capacities. Due knowledge and motivations are necessary for each athlete to be fully aware of each process and phenomenon in the sport and to successfully progress in the intellectual and physical domains feeling him/herself a unique contributor to sports. The world outlook, motivations and ethics related knowledge and values help develop a reasonable view of the world and individual life and sport mission on the whole, with an apprehension of the social and personal missions of sports in general and the individual mission in elite sports in particular.

Keywords: sports, semantics, values and priorities system, team sports, individual sports, non-sporting females.


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