Esteck complex application for age-specific functionality tests
Dr.Hab., Professor L.B. Andryushchenko1
I.M. Bodrov1
V.A. Zaytsev1
T.V. Buyanova1
S.M. Nosov1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
Objective evaluation and interpretation of the bodily functionality criteria are some of the necessary conditions for a scientific approach to training process management, health control and planning of motor activity of men and women of different age.
Test systems and methods are being widely applied today in physical practices for the health control purposes based on at least the cardiovascular system functionality test data flow, with the tests considered increasingly important in the context of the growing morbidity rates in the country. The test data may be indicative of the fat mass and its distribution patterns; spinal cord health; biological age; bodily functionality and physical fitness; and may be applied to design and manage diets and analyze health variations in the training and/or therapeutic process. Subject to the study were a few age- and gender-specific groups. The study data and analyses made it possible to identify a health-risk subgroup of 36-55 year-old males tested with substandard rates in every test. The junior (18-22 year-old) subgroup was tested with high resting HR and high peripheral vascular resistance rates; with the VNS activity rate tested close to the limit.
Keywords: functionality test system, junior/ adult age, physical activity planning, health.
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