Physical fitness of female students from Iraq and Russia: comparative analysis
Dr.Hab., Professor G.V. Barchukova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.E. Zhigun1
Gadri Nasik Subhi Mutar2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Pedagogical University, Baghdad, Iraq
Objective of the study was to rate and analyze the physical fitness of female students from Iraq and Russia to find similarities, differences and regularities. Sampled for the study were 44 female non-sporting students: 20 students from Pedagogical University in Bagdad; and 24 students from Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism in Moscow. The study was designed to obtain the joints flexibility, coordination, speed-strength and static endurance rates. The Iraqi students were tested with higher coordination abilities than their Russian peers, whilst the latter were ranked higher in the speed-strength, shoulder joints and spine flexibility tests, albeit lower than their Iraqi peers in the hip flexibility tests.
Keywords: physical fitness, female students from Russia and Iraq, mobility in joints, speed-strength qualities, coordination abilities, static endurance.
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