Student research work design at physical education university
PhD, Associate Professor L.K. Adamova1
Post-graduate student N.N. Sivtsev1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Objective of the study was to find the most efficient ways to improve the student research work at a physical education university. For the study purposes, we analyzed the existing research projects design and management system at Churapcha State Institute of Physical Education and Sports. Sampled for a questionnaire survey under the study were 1-4-year full-time students (n=182) to find their attitudes to and motivations for academic research projects and find mechanisms to encourage their contributions to the projects. The study data and analyses show that the future physical education and sport specialist training cannot be successful enough unless the theoretical knowledge is supported and enriched by an active engagement in a wide variety of academic research projects. Therefore, the students shall be actively and purposefully engaged in the academic research projects and creative teamwork with due regard to their research interests, abilities, capacities and practical experiences for the whole academic study periods. The academies shall facilitate the process by due research materials and equipment; practical research methodologies; focused efforts to build up their success motivations, with their research findings being readily implemented in practice; and encourage creative projects and independence of young researchers in their practical problem-solving research activity.
Keywords: research work, research projects, student academic research, types of student research work, forms of student research work.
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