Theoretical and practical aspects of physical education specialist training



PhD, Professor I.Yu. Sazonov2
Dr.Hab., Professor A.M. Kuzmin1
PhD I.V. Tarasevich2
1Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk
2Ekaterinburg branch of Ural State University of Physical Culture, Ekaterinburg

Objective of the study was to provide a theoretical basis for the physical education and sport specialist training by improved vocational motivations for the sport specialist careers. Sampled for the study were the 2-4-year bachelors of 40.03.01 Physical Education discipline at Ekaterinburg affiliate of Ural State Physical Education University – whose motivations and values for the future professional careers were rated and analyzed. Methods applied for the study purposes were as follows: questionnaire survey, interviews, and academic theses analysis. The professional competency building model developed and tested by the study implied the combined traditional and new forms of students’ academic and self-reliant activity including lectures, briefings, discussions, round tables, heuristic dialogues, problem-solving workshops, role games, diary-style letters, project activity, meetings, concerts, discussions of movies, performances etc. The study demonstrates that a high priority should be given to the vocational motivations ranked among the key socio-didactical issues. The motivations building process shall be driven by the values system formation efforts, with the values providing the key reference points for the future physical education and sport specialist progress.

Keywords: professional education, students, physical education.


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