Cognitive and notional basis formation management theory to secure training progress in martial arts



A.V. Klimakov1
PhD, Associate Professor M.N. Esaulov1
N.M. Lomakina2
1National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Moscow
2Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations, Moscow

The study was designed to analyze benefits of the modern cognitive and notional basis formation management theory being applied to facilitate training progress in martial arts. The study shows its contribution to the skill basics building and excelling process. A special emphasis in the study was made on the practical aspects of the motor skills mastering process in martial arts in the context of the P.Y. Galperin’s theory in application to the action presentation model that implies every action being presented as a controllable system including a guiding frame, executive and performance adjustment components. The study analyzes the progress made by two student groups in the straight strike mastering versus their competency in the skill formation and basic movement logics in the beginner martial art trainings. The training model was found beneficial as verified by the higher progress in the group trained with a special priority given to the basic movement logics.

Keywords: basic movement logics, key reference points, hand-to-hand fight, training process stages, motor skill.


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