Skills-specific competitive timeframes in rugby sport
PhD, Associate Professor O.P. Kokoulina1
PhD, Associate Professor S.Yu. Tatarova1
V.V. Averyasov1
Yu.V. Kruglova1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
The study analyzes the skill-specific competitive timeframes in modern rugby sport, with the external parameters of the game process being considered including the total and net game time and time ratios in competitions of different levels. The study also considers the internal timeframe of the game process determined by the technical and tactical intensity of the game moments in the competitive matches; with the skills-specific study data for a comparative analysis obtained from the match records. The study data and analyses give the means to conclude that higher skills, formal qualifications and actual mastery levels result in wider variations of competitive timeframes and rates including total match time and durations of game moments and game management intervals. In this context the competitive performance should be designed with the above elements being harmonized. The study data show the need for the athletes’ mastery and competitive progress to be secured by an integrated training process designed as required for the competitive success.
Keywords: game process, game modeling, net game time, one-, two and three-element game moments.
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