Adapted version of multisport crossfit system for academic physical education service


Postgraduate student D.A. Kokorev1
PhD, Associate Professor D.V. Vyprikov1
I.M. Bodrov1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The study analyzed benefits of an experimental adapted version of multisport Crossfit system applied in the academic physical education curriculum to counter the students’ health sagging trends. Essentially Crossfit is a high-intensity fitness system incorporating elements from several sports and types of exercise including fitness, strength and cardiac training components, with a top priority being given to the functionality trainings. The adapted Crossfit version includes special athletic training tools, simplified exercises, basics of functionality trainings and bodybuilding designed as mesocycles in an annual training cycle. The adapted Crossfit model was found beneficial as verified by the significant progress of the Experimental Group in the physical fitness rates, GTO Complex tests and physical education competences..

Keywords: students, physical education, multisport functional training system, adapted version of Crossfit system , physical fitness.


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