Social risk management in re-socializing period upon retirement from professional sports
Dr.Sc.Soc., Professor S.S. Brazevich1
PhD D.S. Brazevich2
PhD J.S. Safronova2
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, St. Petersburg
The study analyses the social technologies applicable in the social risk management in the re-socializing period upon retirement from professional sports, with a special analysis of the notion of social risk viewed as the vulnerable individual social situation faced by a retired sport professional with the perceived losses in the living standards and incomes; and with an analysis of the negative factors associated with the retirement from sports. The study lists and analyzes the adaptation and re-socializing process risks for the retired professional athletes; gives a special consideration to the relevant ‘vertical’ and ‘horizontal’ social risk management technologies; and spells out and substantiates the key provisions for the social risk management process success in the professional athletes’ post-retirement adaptation and re-socializing processes.
Keywords: risk management, social risks, professional athletes, retirement from sports, vocational self-identification.
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