Throw technique biomechanics in competitive wrestling



PhD D.A. Matveyev1
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Potsipun1
PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Oshina1
Dr.Hab., Professor A.G. Levitsky2
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
2P.F. Lesgaft National State University, St. Petersburg

The study analyzes the throw technique biomechanics in the modern competitive wrestling based on the authors’ classification of throws into four groups including: coupled force; lever; block and combined groups, with each group supported by the relevant elementary physics driven model, and the combined group applying the combined model. The action schematics implies the following five phases: grabbling phase; body mass center shifting phase; pre-throw phase; throw execution phase; and the action finishing phase. The proposed schematics may be applied to form a movement algorithm using the relevant mechanical values to give the means to:
- Individualize the throw techniques applied by every athlete;
- Better understand and improve the existing techniques;
- Diversify every technique within the same model since phases II and III, IV and V overlap; with the energy costs of different throw versions often being close enough;
- Develop new technical actions for standing positions;
- Engage the 13-14+ year-olds into the training process to cultivate due understanding of the throw physics and biomechanics and, hence, facilitate their conscientious technical progress; and
- Step up motivations for the modern wrestling and martial arts in the technical university students.

Keywords: wrestling techniques, sambo, judo.


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  4. Available at: (Date of access: 10.02.2018)
  5. Available at: (Date of access: 7.06.2018)