Combined effects of natural factors on students' physical and psychomotor development in Russian Far North
PhD, Associate Professor S.Kh. Mukhametgaliyeva1
PhD, Associate Professor V.I. Kuzmenko1
PhD, Associate Professor N.L. Ivanova2
1Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University, Elabuga
2Surgut branch of Tyumen Industrial University, Surgut
The study analyses the effects of natural factors on the students’ physical and psychomotor development in the Russian Far North and the relevant areas. Issues of the individual and public health agendas in harsh climatic conditions are always critical as the human life cannot be isolated from the living environment. Applied for the study purposes were the relevant theoretical (analysis, synthesis, classification) and empirical (tests, educational process monitoring, psycho-education and practice related literature, students’ academic performance, individual and collective experiences of the faculty etc.) research methods, plus the standard mathematical processing toolkit. Objective of the study was to highlight the key natural factors of combined effect on the students’ physical and mental progress in the Russian Far North; and identify the potential negative effects. Subject to the study were students of the Tyumen Industrial University Affiliate in Surgut city. The study data and analyses made it possible to list and rate the factors of influence on the students’ physical development, functional and psychomotor development rates in the Far North of Russia.
Keywords: students, northern natural and weather factors, physical development, psychomotor development, negative impacts.
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