Gender-specific myocardial electrophysiology rating in uncontrolled sporting groups
PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Pogonysheva1
PhD, Associate Professor D.A. Pogonyshev1
Master's student N.V. Kurtukova1
1Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk
Based on prior questionnaire survey data, two groups of the Nizhnevartovsk State University students were sampled for the study purposes: Group 1 was composed of the students engaged in systemic sports and physical trainings under control of professional coaches; and Group 2 was composed of the uncontrolled (self-reliant) sport activists. At the second stage of the study, the gender-specific myocardial electrophysiology in both of the groups was tested and analyzed using the computerized cardiac functionality screening CardioVizor-06с system. The test data were used to analyze the ECG dispersions, rate the myocardial functionality in the uncontrolled Group 2 – that is exposed, among other things, to the harsh climatic and geographic Northern conditions of extra burden on the bodily physiological systems. The study data were indicative of the sub-morbid disorders in myocardial electrophysiology in 29.8% and 35.6% of the female and male subgroups, respectively; and possible pathologies in the cardiac function were diagnosed in 12.8% and 22.2% of the female and male subgroups, respectively.
Keywords: computerized cardiac functionality screening system, myocardial electrophysiology, physical load, premorbid conditions.
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