Exercise tolerance forecasts in martial arts
PhD, Associate Professor A.B. Petrov1
Associate Professor O.V. Krapivin2
Associate Professor C.C. Ssorin2
A.Yu. Grushina2
Associate Professor V.A. Novikov2
1P.F. Lesgaft National State University, St. Petersburg
2Academy of Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Ryazan
The study was designed to rate the cardiorythmogram (CRG) data variations in the physical training process on the assumption that the due base metabolism (DBM) is largely determined by the potential physical working capacity (PWC) maximum. The parameters measured in the tests were the RR-interval pairs with certain differences in durations (pNNx) to understand the process logics. It should be noted that every study rate has its diagnostic value: from the pNN15 indicative of the potential PWC level to the limiting pNN5. The proposed markers are largely irrespective of the individual workload maximums and specifics albeit easily detectable by the DBM rates and may be applied to predict, with a high degree of accuracy, the potential PWC with the individual maximal workloads and rehabilitation process rate.
Keywords: heart rate variability, pNNx, cardiorythmogram, maximal workload test, criteria, hearth rate markers.
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