Female students’ adaptatibility to muscular activity versus their physical development specifics



PhD, Associate Professor D.A. Cherepakhin1
Dr.Biol., Associate Professor A.A. Shchankin1
N.A. Lomakina1
PhD G.I. Shchankina2
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute n.a. M.E. Evseviev, Saransk
2Mordovian State University n.a. N.P. Ogarev, Saransk

Objective of the study was to analyze correlations of the female students’ anthropometrical characteristics with the muscular system functionality rates. Subject to the study were female students of M.Y. Evseviev Mordovian State Pedagogical University, residents of the Mordovia Republic. The anthropometrical data obtained in the study included foot length, body length, body mass, and wrist strength indices. The students’ trochanter indices were computed to classify them by the evolutionary types of constitutions. The students were classified with the evolutionary somatotype by their anthropometrical characteristics, with the latter found correlated with the wrist dynamometric rates. The study findings give the grounds to recommend the female students’ individual adaptabilities to muscular activity to be taken into account in the academic physical education process.

Keywords: anthropometrical characteristics, wrist dynamometry, wrist strength.


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