Immanuel Kant’s ideas of physical education in context of modern physical education system
Dr.Sc.Soc., Professor U.A. Vinokurova1
PhD A.Yu. Shachina1
PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Shachin1
1Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Churapcha vil., Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
2Murmansk Arctic State University, Murmansk
The study analyzes the actual situation in the sector based on the physical education values apprehension dialectics and the Immanuel Kant’s educational system to offer the system redesign driven by his critical studies and studies in anthropology and education science, with a special priority to the physical education aspects. The study explores the nature of freedom with a special emphasis on the reflective freedom as provided by the Kant’s critical philosophy and its modern conditionality. It should be noted that values do not play any role in the ethical domain, and this is the reason why physical culture shall not be considered a core value for the personality development process. At the same time, the important role of physical culture for a personality development process cannot be underestimated since it provides values for every life reality. A high priority shall be given to the valuation ability and contemplation ability development aspects rather than to the values sharing or cultivating goals. The efforts to improve own health and physical fitness are viewed as a goal and duty at the same time albeit focused on a higher-level objective. It is the personality self-identification that is declared as a key educational principle, with beliefs, hope and love considered the key educational categories. This logic effectively prevents any manipulation and instrumentalism with a human being and requires each athlete’s individuality to be respected above all rather than perceiving every individual mostly as an athlete.
Keywords: physical culture, values, valuation, contemplation ability, personality, freedom, categorical imperative, self-identification, ethical feel, sensational mindset for ethics, physical education.
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