Professional retraining as efficient specialist training alternative in physical education system
PhD, Associate Professor N.P. Olesov1
1Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk
Objective of the study was to rate benefits of the professional retraining service in the physical education and sports system. The study analyzes a physical education specialist retraining model in the context of the education quality improvement policies. The retraining model may be applied to provide extra employment opportunities for the education specialists of the non-sport specialties and for the retired athletes with vocational and higher education backgrounds willing to further serve in the national physical education and sports system. The retraining model has been piloted at North-Eastern Federal University, with the Physical Education and Sports Institute in cooperation with the Advanced Vocational Education Institute offering the professional retraining courses to train the physical education, sports and life safety specialists. The study showed such retraining services being in high demand today. The specialist retraining model was found particularly beneficial for the following reasons: short training time with a fast response to the human resource building needs in the sector; high motivations of potential trainees; no need for a special adaptation period for the teacher’s integration to the school educational system; due succession and uninterrupted design of the professional educational process.
Keywords: professional retraining course, physical education, educator, education establishments, lectures, practical sessions, physical culture.
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