Specific muscle groups training in 8-10 year-old rhythmic gymnasts in annual training cycle



PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Novikova1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow

Objective of the study was to analyze the strength development specifics in the junior rhythmic gymnasts’ annual training cycle. Subject to the experiment were the 8-10 year-old rhythmic gymnasts (n=30) from Moscow schools. The study findings showed strength growths in the specific muscle groups over the annual training cycle, with the study data being indicative of the training model benefits and effectiveness for the movement technique and execution mastery improvement purposes. The strength rates of the junior rhythmic gymnasts were found to be fairly stable, particularly versus joint flexibility rates. It was further found that even under extreme impacts like the long-term breaks in the training practices, the strength falls in the specific muscle groups were less than a half of the individual maximums, with the average strength rates being quite stable. Therefore, it is not recommended to give a special priority to the strength building practices after long breaks in the training process. The training should be designed to correct some specific strength rates with due consideration for the training process goals and individual fitness levels.

Keywords: strength abilities, junior gymnasts, specific muscle group strength rates.


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