Junior ski jumpers training model focused on jumping technique kinematics
Postgraduate V.V. Zebzeev1
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky
Objective of the study was to design and rate benefits of an experimental junior ski jumpers training model focused on the jumping technique kinematics. The junior ski jumpers training model prioritizes systemic tests of the jumping technique kinematics in every phase including acceleration, take-off, flight, landing and finishing phases, with a special emphasis on the technical excellence issues. The experimental junior ski jumpers training model includes the following 9 modules: goal-setting; jump video capturing; jump kinematics data processing; analyzing; technical errors detecting; general training plan design and implementing; special training tasks to improve the individual postural control skills; and the progress checks to assess benefits of the corrective actions. The junior ski jumpers training model was tested at
at Snezhinka Training Center in Tchaikovsky in the period of May 2016 to May 2017. Subject to the study were the 12-13 year-old (n=56) ski jumpers of Start CYORSS.
Keywords: training model, jump technique, kinematics, junior ski jumpers.
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