Tourist service safety related competences building component of physical education bachelor training system
Applicant M.A. Vozisova1
PhD, Associate Professor Т.N. Shutova2
PhD, Associate Professor E.O. Rybakova1
Postgraduate A.V. Sharavyeva1
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky
2Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
The study offers a new structural-functional model including six competences in the general cultural, general and special professional training to update the training system of bachelor of physical education in the sport and health tourism and tourist service safety aspects. The study offers a special educational model with the competence building tools with a special priority to the individual activity encouragement approach including the classified individual progress trajectories; situational tasks solving physical education method; tourist competitions; individualized approach with a special emphasis on cooperation, mutual support, tolerant conflict settlement strategies, and endurance in long trekking events; and systemic educational model integrating three education disciplines from the first to fourth academic year.
Keywords: competence, bachelor of physical education, sport and health tourism, safety, innovations.
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