Physical education and sporting model for convicts’ resocializing process
Postgraduate Yu.M. Postnov1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor L.I. Kostyunina1
Dr.Hab., Professor I.N. Timoshina1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University n.a. I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk
Keywords: networking, pedagogical university, corrective institution, re-socializing, modeling, physical education and sports.
Background. The growing social and economic problems in Russia are reported among the key reasons for the crime growth in the country. The national corrective institutions report the increasing inflow of young-to-middle-aged people that are often insufficiently educated, unskilled and inexperienced, having no specialty and sociopathic i.e. antagonistic to the social standards, behavioural rules, ethical norms, responsibilities and compassion, positive family-and-social values. This is the reason why the efforts to correct and socialize these age groups are naturally restricted by both the service problems and limited resources of the corrective institutions as such and the personality qualities of the convicts - often single or having no strong family connections, poorly motivated for and largely immune to the personality growth and perfection initiatives [1, 2, 7]. As provided by the Federal Law #FL-329 Article 2 “On Physical Education and Sports”, every population group shall be provided with a free access to reasonable physical education and sports services to facilitate their physical, intellectual and ethical progress. The national corrective institutions take efforts within their limited resource to secure such services to the convicts, but the actual benefits of the physical education and sporting services are rated still very low if any.
Objective of the study was to provide the theoretical and practical grounds for the innovative physical education and sporting model to help re-socialize convicts via networking of the relevant educational establishments and corrective institutions.
Structure of the study. The model was piloted at corrective institutions in the Ulyanovsk region and at I.N. Ulyanov State Pedagogical University.
Study results and discussion. The networking physical education and sporting model to help re-socialize convicts includes the following 6 modules: goal-setting, theoretical and practical, design, procedural, technological and progress-rating ones.
The model design was intended to address the social demand for the corrective system services that are required to be improved to help effectively correct and re-socialize the convicts and thereby replenish the society with a productive human resource – law-abiding, diligent and conscientious. Theoretical and practical provisions for the model were the following: basics of the concept of the personality behaviour and activity being socially determined – to motivate the convicts for self-improvement, culturing, education and socializing efforts based on the relevant social and family values; personality-centered, social mentality and reflexivity cultivating approaches to the personality development and culturing process; systemic, synergized and technological approaches in the studies of the relevant social and educational processes in the national corrective system; and practical basics of the general and corrective education science, psychology and modern socializing theory [3, 6, 8].
The networking physical education and sporting model to help re-socialize the convicts was designed on the following legal and regulatory provisions: Constitution of the RF, Article 41, Section 2; Crime Control System of the Russian Federation: Development Concept for the period up to 2020; Criminal Code of the Russian Federation effectuated by the Federal Law #1 of 08.01.1997; European service standards for penal institutions; International Treaty on the Civil and Political Rights, Article 10; Federal Law #329 of December 4 “On Physical Education and Sports in the Russian Federation (changed and amended version).
In January 2016, the Russian Penal Service Administration Ulyanovsk Oblast Office reached a frame agreement with I.N. Ulyanov State Pedagogical University that spells out the rights and liabilities of the parties to the model piloting project including institutional, theoretical, practical, IT and financial provisions for the networking cooperation of the corrective system with the university.
The model corrective service to the convicts was designed based on the general educational and special corrective concepts developed in the national science for the long period, with the relevant educational components and institutional arrangements for the project contributors. The key educational provisions for the personality progress and crime intolerance cultivation were geared to:
- Help the convicts clearly understand and accept the personality development priorities of the regular physical training and sport practices and socially sensitive project activity;
- Facilitate systemic operations of the expert teams having relevant professional education competences, to ensure due synergy of psychologists, sociologists and corrective system personnel skillful and knowledgeable in the modern corrective education tools and successful in the study practices – to secure due social adaptation and personality improvement processes;
- Apply the relevant corrective methods, tools and models customizable to age-, sentence- and crime-class-specific groups to prudently design the educational process and adaptation to the corrective environment, and apply the group-specific motivations to help their re-socializing process;
- Create a progress-encouraging environment with due humanistic emphasis to establish good interpersonal relationship, help people open up, build up fair reflective abilities, establish friendly relations in the team of convict to help them adapt and secure a good teamwork;
- Creatively adapt and mobilize the relevant academic research, educational and practical experience to advance the convicts’ education technologies in parallel with the corrective institution personnel advancement courses to build up the relevant education and psychological competences;
- Establish a due feedback system to efficiently control and adjust the convicts’ re-socializing process.
The above educational provisions were geared to: create a facilitating environment for successful adaptation of the convicts to the corrective environment, particularly at the beginner stage; encourage positive changes in personal mindsets, priority values and beliefs to facilitate the individual reassessment of the criminal behavioural models at a corrective institution; help the convict form a positive behavioural strategy to make progress to a reasonably healthy lifestyle and positive ethical standards and secure good socializing prospects upon their release from the prison [4, 5].
The process technology applied by the model was geared to facilitate the social and educational networking of the parties to the project i.e. the corrective institution personnel and convicts of the one part, and the university students and faculty of the other part. This component of the model was implemented under the social project “Young people’s socio-educational adaptation by physical education and sporting methods in prison” that includes: a research module (with the relevant sociological, psychological and educational process studies); theoretical module (lectures on healthy lifestyle basics, competitive and health trainings, progress tests and self-tests etc.); motivational module (including meetings with sport celebrities, sport masters and champions, with their master classes); training and competitive module (joint training sessions, matches, competitions in different sports etc.). A special module was designed for the GTO Complex trainings and tests, with lectures on the GTO Complex history and reinstatement supported by the relevant programmatic, practical and informational provisions; and the GTO Complex tests of the convicts and service personnel. Every module is designed to identify and rate individual social, educational and psychological traits and preferences of the convicts using the relevant psychological tests and questionnaire surveys – to provide a basis for the individualized re-socializing model with a sound feedback capacity. And the progress-rating module is designed to evaluate the total benefits of the networking efforts of the corrective institution and university by the relevant mental, social and behavioral progress rates, rated changes in the individual priority values etc.
Conclusion. The networking physical education and sporting model to help re-socialize convicts was found beneficial as it helps: diversify the limited social and educational service provided by the corrective system; solve some critical problems in the convicts’ educational process with support from the networking academic education establishment; and expand the range of innovative physical education and sporting projects with support from students and faculties.
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The study analyzes benefits of an innovative physical education and sporting model to help re-socialize convicts via a cooperative networking of the relevant educational establishments and corrective institutions. The model was piloted at the corrective institutions in the Ulyanovsk region and at I.N. Ulyanov State Pedagogical University. The networking physical education and sporting model to help re-socialize convicts includes the following 6 modules: goal-setting, theoretical and practical, design, procedural, technological and progress-rating ones.
The networking physical education and sporting model to help re-socialize convicts was found beneficial as it helps: diversify the limited social and education service provided by the corrective system; solve some critical problems in the convicts’ educational process with support from the networking academic educational establishment; and expand the range of the innovative physical education and sporting projects with support from students and faculties.