Personality determinants of adolescent physical injury rates in advanced sport training establishment



PhD, Associate Professor K.E. Lagvilava1
Dr.Hab., Professor A.S. Makhov2
Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor E.A. Petrova2
Dr.Sc.Psych, Associate Professor N.A. Tsvetkova3
1Pskov State University, Pskov
2Russian State Social University, Moscow
3Research Institute of Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Moscow

Objective of the study was to analyze the personality determinants of adolescent physical injury rates in advanced sport training process. Subject to the study were 52 adolescents (aged 12 years on average) trained at different advanced sport training establishments and undergoing medical treatment service at the Children’s Orthopaedic/ Traumatologic Division of the Pskov region Hospital to cure their sport injuries. The Reference Group was composed of their non-sporting peers (n=30) diagnosed with different chronic diseases and provided scheduled preventive health service at the Somatic Division of the same hospital. For the study purposes we applied a set of psychodiagnostic tests designed to profile social adaptation experiences of the sample, their motivations, emotional responses and biologically predetermined traits; and then offer the frame socio-psychological injury-prevention model. The study data and analyses showed that the seriously injured adolescents, in contrast to their peers diagnoses with the somatic diseases, were tested with the following personality traits: undifferentiated type of temperament; low nervous control and mental balancing rates; failure avoidance motivations; special priority to communication; proneness to adaptive conflict-settlement behavioral models; externality (with external locus control); high predisposition to risks; expressed personality anxiety; emotional rigidity; and anxiety-suppression behaviour. Based on the study data, we designed a socio-psychological injury prevention program applicable by sport psychologists to serve the adolescents tested as highly exposed to risks of physical injuries due to the relevant personality traits.

Keywords: adolescent injury rates, personality determinants, socio-psychological injury prevention program.


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