Dancers' physical fitness rating criteria applicable in technical performance scoring in competitive dance routines



PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Aleksandrova1
1Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow


Keywords: dance sport, elite dancers, performance rating criteria.

Introduction. As of today, the problem of the dance sport performance rating has not been resolved. Being an acute issue, selection of the rating criteria is always the subject of much controversy [3, 4].

Objective of the study was to develop the dance sport performance rating criteria making it possible to optimally estimate the elite dancers’ physical fitness level in the competitive dance routines.

Methods and structure of the study. Subject to the study were 10 dances including 5 Latin and 5 other standard dances, with the leading trainers and ballroom dance judges of the 1st Russian and international categories (n=60) engaged in the expert opinion poll under the survey.

Based on the data obtained by the expert opinion poll and interviews, we have put together a set of the most relevant criteria to rate the key physical qualities including endurance, strength ability and flexibility [1, 2].

Experts believe that the coordination abilities manifest themselves in the athletes’ technical skills, which, to a greater extent, affects the comparative evaluation of the dance couples of the same skill level and, accordingly, the overall ranking results. Therefore, there were no specially developed criteria for assessing the elite dancers’ coordination abilities in the competitive dance routines [2].

Results and discussion. The criteria for evaluation of strength abilities, endurance and flexibility are presented in Tables 1-3.


Table 1. Endurance rating criteria applicable in technical performance scoring in competitive dance routines

Endurance rating criteria


Ability to maintain proper body positions and movements


Ability to maintain figure rhythmical structures


Ability to maintain dynamic movements


Ability to maintain musical sense throughout the tune


The criteria characterizing dancers’ endurance level, according to the experts, are the same for both standard and Latin American dances, as these criteria reflect for the most part the ability to maintain the proper motion modes, shapes, steps, while all being in harmony with the musical accompaniment (see Table 1).

As for the dancers’ strength abilities, the experts divided the criteria here: those most indicative of the state of these physical qualities in standard dances and in Latin American dances. Combining the selected criteria, it can be noted that, while dancing, the strength abilities are mainly reflected through the amplitude of movements, steps, etc., as well as mandatory maintenance of the body, arm and leg positions throughout the dance (see Table 2).

As for the dancers’ flexibility rating criteria, we can say that, taken together they are characterized by = swing, lightness and plasticity of performance (see Table 3).


Table2. Strength abilities rating criteria applicable in technical performance scoring in competitive dance routines

Strength abilities rating criteria



Swinging and powerful movements


Keeping arm positions throughout the dance


Swinging transition from the lower position

(полуприседы) в верхние


Keeping back straight



Swinging and powerful movements




Keeping leg positions throughout a dance


Dynamic footwork


Table 3. Flexibility rating criteria applicable in technical performance scoring in competitive dance routines

Flexibility rating criteria



Light and swinging movements (steps)


Fluent transition from position to position (countermotion positions)


Battements, ronds, developpes performed with swinging and light movements


Shapes performed with light and natural movements



Light and swinging movements (steps)


Battements, ronds, developpes performed with swinging and light movements


Plasticity of movements during transition from one movement into another (rotations, turning motions, lower and upper body posing)


Good correlation of the movement sequences with the musical illustration throughout a dance


It should also be noted that good correlation of the movement sequences with the musical illustration throughout the dance characterizes both technical and physical fitness of the dancers.

Conclusion. The developed criteria enabled us to evaluate the dancers’ physical fitness level directly in the dance competitive routines. This set of criteria is recommended as an efficient toolkit for the trainers to control the dynamics of the dancers’ physical condition throughout the training process.


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The study overviews the competitive dance rating criteria applied to score physical fitness levels of elite dancers. Subject to the study were 10 dances including 5 Latin and 5 other standard dances, with the leading trainers and ballroom dance judges of the 1st Russian and international categories (n=60) engaged in the expert opinion poll under the survey. Based on the data obtained by the expert opinion poll and interviews, we have put together a set of the most relevant criteria to rate key physical qualities including endurance, strength ability and flexibility. This set of criteria is recommended as an efficient toolkit for the trainers to rate the dancers’ physical progress and to make timely and necessary adjustments to the training process when necessary.