Socially sensitive specifics of Physical Education and Sport bachelor training process



Dr.Hab., Professor E.A. Bayer1
PhD, Associate Professor S.N. Pozhidaev1
PhD, Professor A.A. Knyazev1
Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don

Keywords: professional education, competency, competitiveness, innovations, technologies, students, social adaptation and integration.

Background. Leaders of the national academic educational system give a high priority to the modern academic education models to form a basis for the professional progress in the system interpreted as the progress in professionally valuable personality qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities collectively referred to as the professional competency for success in the vocational field. These academic progress improvement models need to be facilitated by the relevant educational provisions as required by the junior human resource education, culturing and physical development objectives and policies.  The modern educational paradigm requires the innovative component being designed so as to offer new education materials and models, analyze their benefits and improve the material delivery tools.

The modern bachelor training includes a few professional education disciplines with a top priority given to the professional progress (PP), with the PES curricula based on the relevant socially sensitive technologies making a special emphasis on the practice-prioritizing training tools.

As demonstrated by the ample practical experience, one of the key problems of the modern physical education system is the poor and superficial athletic fitness rates of students/ newcomers that give them little chance to cope with the academic training requirements and challenges. It is the new PES technologies that give better chances to the students to make progress and develop the competences of a trainer-instructor, master the theoretical and practical concepts and accept them as a basis for the individual thinking and development experience [5].

Presently the social order emphasizes the need for the growing contributions from the general and advanced education systems in the young people’s training improvement initiatives including the relevant efficiency improvements in the institutional performance in the PES sector, as demonstrated by the projects geared to implement the Physical Education Development Strategy for the Period up to 2025 that gives a special priority to the modern PES concepts mastering by the students as a basis for their practical skills.

Objective of the study was to give theoretical grounds for a professional excellence education course with a special emphasis on the values-and-senses-related aspects of the future specialist’s competitiveness building process.  

Study results and discussion. The values-and-senses-shaped competency of a future trainer-instructor shall be developed based on the individual prime values, abilities to perceive and interpret the reality, find own ways, roles and missions in the social progress, and the ability to select and develop the most important values and senses for efficient and effective decision-making, actions and operations with due individual responsibility. Such competency provides a mechanism for the individual control and management efficiency in every academic or other situation/ activity and largely shape up individual progress trajectories, careers and lifestyles on the whole [3, 6-8].

The study data and analyses gave us the means to classify the academic values-and-senses-shaped competency into the following components:

  • Motivational component that includes motivations to: accumulate the knowledge critical for the individual competitiveness and viability; open up new resource to develop professional competency for PES service; and cope with the challenges to evolve into a fully-fledged competitive graduate;
  • Cognitive component to secure due knowledge of the innovative sports-driven and prioritizing education and other modern academic sporting models, with the relevant PES values viewed as a basic factor for the model design; and
  • Operational and technical component including the individual ability to mobilize and fully employ personal design, management and communication skills for professional progress.

We have considered modern physical education and sports in the values-related perspective including the following groups of values:

  • Intellectual values related to the knowledge of methods and tools for the human physical resource development;
  • Motor values that include the best role models and performance standards in the physical education and sports domain;
  • Technological values including instruction guidelines, practical recommendations, health improvement and athletic training methods, physical activity design models and logistics/ resource provisioning for the activities;
  • Intentional values related to the public perceptions of physical culture and its gravity in communities; and
  • Mobilization values providing a basis for the time budgeting and management in the training process [2, 4].

Our studies of the idea of the values-and-senses-shaped competency being developed based on the motivations-encouragement approach have resulted in the new training course designed to shape up and develop model characteristics in students by an efficient sporting toolkit [1]. Our training course offers a set of new technologies to build up the individual competency for the PES service with a special emphasis on the stress tolerance under high pressure, problem-solving and professional decision making abilities and the focus on success upon graduation from the university. The course applies the notion of individual viability to encourage this quality being cultivated in students based on due motivations so as to prevent the potential destructive effects of the growing viability and the relevant behavioural deviations in students.

The professional excellence education course of our design gives the means to address many problems of the modern academic physical education and sport process and motivate the PES bachelors for determined intellectual, physical and cognitive activity within the competency-building and lifelong education agenda. Every student’s academic progress in the education course is rated by 61-100 points, with both theoretical university studies and practical education experience (accumulated in practical services to sport schools and other sport institutions) and progress elements being rated.

Conclusion. The study data and analysis showed benefits of the innovative project technology mastering and practice-prioritizing education for formation of a highly competitive, viable and competent specialist easily adaptable to the rapidly changing social conditions.


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An increased priority is being given to the physical education and sport (PES) specialist training systems to facilitate progress of human resource in the national PES sector. Objective of the study was to give theoretical grounds for a professional excellence education course with a special emphasis on the values-and-senses-related aspects of the future specialist competitiveness building process. In the context of the students’ values-and-senses-shaped competency building based on the motivations-centered approach, we have developed the education course to help students accumulate necessary knowledgebase and skills for the model competitiveness and viability building by the relevant sport toolkit.  The study data and analysis showed benefits of the innovative project technology mastering and practice-prioritizing education for training a highly competitive and viable specialist easily adaptable to the rapidly changing social conditions.