Cultivating tolerance to visually impaired children in physical education process
Master student E.E. Frolov1
PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Timokhina1
1State Humanitarian Technological University, Orekhovo-Zuevo
Objective of the study was to analyze the preparedness of school teachers and students to be tolerant to visually impaired children in the inclusive education process. The attitudes were profiled by the educational process monitoring and questionnaire surveys of the school children, their families and teachers. The study gives a meaning and definition of tolerance based on analysis of the available study reports and the legal and regulatory provisions for the tolerance cultivation in the inclusive education process; identifies and theoretically substantiates the key provisions and adaptation mechanism for the visually impaired children in physical education process; identifies specific challenges in the visually impaired children’s communication, operation and psychophysical development in the education process; specifies the goals of the tolerance cultivation process including those for the teaching team on the whole and physical education teachers in particular; and outlines the typical problems faced by a visually impaired child and family in the education process. Based on the study data, practical recommendations were made on the ways to address these problems in the school education process. The study reports a practical experience of the tutorial support for a visually impaired child in the physical education process; overviews the set of actions and tools to facilitate the visually impaired child’s inclusion in the educational process; summarizes the ways to cultivate tolerant attitudes in the context of the teachers’ professional competency building process, with a special emphasis on the tolerance cultivation in the physical education process; underlines the need for the efficient ways, tools and models to help adapt the visually impaired children to the environment and cultivate tolerance in the school environments by the joint efforts of the teachers, students and families.
Keywords: adaptation, visually impaired child, tolerance, inclusive education, physical education.
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