Active and interactive education models for physical education bachelors training for tourist service
Applicant M.A. Vozisova1
PhD, Associate Professor Т.N. Shutova2
PhD, Associate Professor E.O. Rybakova1
Postgraduate student A.V. Sharavieva1
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky
2Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
The study was designed to improve the professional training service to Bachelors of Physical Education in the sport and health tourism and the tourist service safety, with the traditional curriculum being revised (in design and content) with a special emphasis on the active and interactive education models. The new education models were designed to expand the practice-driven education and broader apply the project activity via discussion method; computer imaging of the target areas; education goals and solutions with elements of sport and health tourism; and a higher priority to the special tourist service training. The new training models were proved beneficial as verified by the trainees’ progress in the tested tourist service competencies, service management and communication skills; and some other key personality qualities of Bachelors of Physical Education.
Keywords: sport and health tourism, business games, computer imaging of target area, discussion method, project activity.
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