Dynamics of change in explosive strength of muscles in female sprinters of various skill levels
A.A. Fedoriva-Shpaer1
Dr.Hab., Professor Yu.V. Sysoev1
1Institute of Physical Culture, Sport and Health of Moscow Pedagogical University, Moscow
Objective of the study was to determine the dynamics of changes in the explosive strength (kg/s) of the flexor muscles of legs and trunk in female sprinters of various sport skill levels. The study was conducted with the use of dynamography and involved sprinters of various skill levels from the III category to Masters of Sports. The obtained data showed the dynamics of growth of the J-strength gradient in the sport skills building process being notably uneven and strictly differentiated. Changes in the explosive strength of the leg muscles in the female sprinters during sports training are characterized by greater non-linearity than changes in the values of the relative strength. The heterochronism of the periods of the most intense increase in the J-gradient of the lower limb antagonist muscles was revealed. A slower increase in the explosive strength of the leg muscles in the athletes at the sports skills excelling stage in Candidates Masters and Masters of Sports.
Keywords: explosive strength (J-gradient), speed-strength training, female sprinters, flexor and extensor muscles of lower limbs, trunk.
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