Pre-season and regular season process effects on elite wretlers' functionality
M.N. Barkhatov1
PhD A.N. Korzhenevsky2
Dr.Hab., Professor Kh.A. Tonoyan3
1Moscow Institute of Radioelectronics and Automation, Moscow
2National Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Moscow
3Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation named after V.YA. Kikot , Moscow
Objective of the study was to rate the pre-season and regular season process effects on the elite junior wrestlers’ functionality. Subject to the study were elite junior (16-17 year old) Greco-Roman wrestlers qualified Candidate Masters of Sport and Masters of Sport. The study data and analyses showed the 16-17 year old wrestlers being particularly sensitive to the competitive stresses as verified by the drastic falls in their functionality resource and physical working capacity. The functional fitness of the elite junior wrestlers shall be tested on a regular basis to respond the age-specific regresses by the timely corrective actions. Special priority shall be given to the efforts to prevent the junior wrestlers’ burnouts as a result of the most stressful competitions; with special transitional/ rehabilitation periods taking 8-10 days to help them at least reach the primary working capacity levels or, ideally, make progress in the strength endurance and the CNS and NMS functionality.
Keywords: working capacity, Greco-Roman wrestling, cardiovascular system, competitive performance, physical rehabilitation, central nervous system.
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