Components of competitive aerobics routines and their relationship as a factor of world sport leadership
PhD, Associate Professor G.R. Aizyatullova1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
Modern competitive aerobics (that is ranked with the gymnastics disciplines with complex coordinated movements) includes the following competitive components: aerobic choreography, difficult elements, acrobatic and semi-acrobatic elements (including transitions and interactions) and pyramids (dynamic lifts).
Aerobic choreography includes special exercises with versatile figures-of-eight composed of at least three basic steps, with at most three such figures-of-eight acceptable in a row and eight figures-of-eight acceptable in a competitive routine.
Difficult elements in the competitive routines are regulated by the rules of competitions and are age- and nomination-specific, with at most 10 difficult elements acceptable in the individual routines and 9 in all other routines.
The modern aerobic choreography and difficult elements are successfully combined with the acrobatic and semi-acrobatic exercises. Acrobatic exercises were allowed in the sport aerobics only recently with certain limitations (E.S. Kriuchek, 2018). The valid rules of competitions (2017-2020) allow the referees to give special bonuses (extra points) for the acrobatic elements; plus extra points are given for pyramids in the competitive routines, with pyramids being obligatory for the 15-17 year-old (AG2) and 18+ age groups.
Keywords: sport aerobics, dynamic lift, pyramid, acrobatics, semi-acrobatics.
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