Copyrights for signage and complex objects at FIFA-2018 World Cup



PhD, Associate Professor E.S. Grin1
1O.E. Kutafin University, Moscow

The study considers a variety of the most challenging issues of copyrights in the modern sports, with an emphasis on the copyright for complex objects designed for sport events on the whole and the FIFA-2018 World Cup in particular. The author analyzes a variety of the relevant issues that have come up in the judicial practice, with the relevant international regulatory and dispute-settlement experience. The copyright issues under the FIFA-2018 World Cup and FIFA-2017 Confederations Cup are related to the signage applied at the events. Subject to a special legal protection shall also be the related copyrights for the other items applied at the sport events and the items designed by the FIFA for official application at the relevant events and covered by the FIFA exclusive copyright. The signage subject to the exclusive FIFA copyright including those applied at the FIFA-2018 World Cup and FIFA-2017 Confederations Cup may be used only on consent of the FIFA and/or its authorized bodies, conditional on the state registration as required by the relevant Federal laws.
The study data gives the grounds to conclude that special efforts need to be taken by the sport event organizers in the copyright management domain to prevent violations of the lawful interests of the intellectual property holders.

Keywords: sports, football, FIFA-2018 World Cup, intellectual property, trademarks, exclusive copyright, complex objects, audio-video products.

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