Attitudes to physical education at technical university technical universities
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Izotov1
PhD, Associate Professor G.V. Soldatova2
A.O. Filatov1
1St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Teacher Education, St. Petersburg
The questionnaire survey designed to find attitudes of technical university students (n=158) to the academic physical education classes showed their motivations for and satisfaction with the service being at the moderate level. The set of motivations was found to be dominated by the academic progress and general responsibility as the key drivers largely irrelevant for the service quality as such, with both of the factors reportedly being most satisfying for the respondents.
The total level of motivations for the academic physical education was found to depend on how strong the competitive success, health improvement and public and trainer’s recognition related motivations are. The total level of satisfaction with the academic physical education service was found to depend on the personal accomplishments in sports, physical progress, academic progress and the individual health improvements. Total motivation for the academic physical education was found correlated with the satisfaction from the latter being largely determined by the individual competitive accomplishments; and this situation may be indicative of the health potential of this academic discipline remaining still largely untapped.
Keywords: physical education, classes, attitude, motivation, satisfaction, students.
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