Effect of academic sports clubbing activity on university graduates' competitiveness




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2018, pp.89-92

PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Peshkova
Surgut State University, Surgut

The study considers some issues of the academic sports self-management process and its potential contributions to competitiveness of the university graduates. It should be mentioned that academic sport clubs have been in progress since 2013 when the Student Sport Clubs Association of Russia was established as a national public organization. The study proceeded from the assumption that the academic sport club activity should facilitate the personality progress of future graduates; develop their creative resource, self-reliance, responsibility, teamwork spirit and abilities; and these credentials should later on facilitate their socializing process and careers. A questionnaire survey of the first-to-fifth year Surgut State University students, however, showed the students being largely inactive in the management skills building domain. We believe that the situation is due to the still low awareness and competency of the students in the management issues and, hence, their uncertainty as to the benefits of the management qualities. The study data shows the need for a higher priority being given to integration of efforts of the academic sport management entities including physical education departments and academic sport clubs to design and implement the relevant promotion and public awareness initiatives and events.

Keywords: academic sports, competitiveness, students, academic sport clubs.


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