Anabolic indices in junior athletes versus their fitness rates in post-training rehabilitation periods




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2018, pp.57-59

Postgraduate P.N. Samikulin1
Dr.Biol., Associate Professor A.V. Gryaznykh1
PhD, Associate Professor R.V. Kuchin2
1Kurgan State University, Kurgan
2Yugra State University, Khanty-Mansiysk

Objective of the study was to rate the hormonal transformations and their correlations in junior athletes versus their physical activity and muscular workloads in the rehabilitation periods. Serum concentrations of testosterone and cortisol were tested versus the background values straight after and one hour after the workloads in the rehabilitation process, with the anabolic indices being calculated. Intensive physical loads were secured by 30/60min cycle ergometer practices rated by 2W/ kg of body mass, with the cycling intensity of 60 revolutions per min. Subject to the study were 17-23 year-old athletes (n=52) grouped by the primary fitness and workload rates. The study found correlation of the metabolic index with the muscular workload with background cortisol levels. Normally the index was found to fall after the cycle ergometer test and grow in case of fatigue and/or overtraining.

Keywords: cortisol, testosterone, anabolic index, overtraining, endocrine regulation, rehabilitation, athletes.


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