Education service analysis in values-centered health-prioritizing team management system




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2018, pp.33-35

PhD V.E. Tsibulnikova
Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow

Subject to the study were the issues of education service analysis in values-centered health team management system, with the education service analysis ranked as the main and critical element of the process management cycle. An analysis of the focused health-promotion education service provided by a teacher shall be designed to rate, above all, the teacher’s ability to: manage the education process as required by the triune goal of the lesson; apply relevant health-prioritizing education technologies and the relevant education tools for students’ development and learning process success. Every teacher’s progress shall be rated and analyzed versus the target and actual academic progress rates of the students. The study method was designed based on the Health-prioritizing Lesson Technology by V.Y. Tsibulnikova, SanPin mastered by the teachers in the advanced professional education course Health-prioritizing Technologies in General Education Compliant to FSES (at the Netology Group Online Training Center, Moscow). We believe that the education service analysis shall be designed to rate the health-prioritizing component of each teacher’s service and rate communication of the education process actors. A special priority in the analysis shall be given to the teacher’s knowledgebase including the subject competences, proficiency in the health-centered education models, and compliance with the valid requirements to the health culture formation in schoolchildren.

Keywords: education service analysis, triune goal of lesson, health building, health creation, health-prioritizing education technologies.


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