Game endurance test technology



V.E. Afonshin1
PhD, Professor M.M. Polevshchikov2
Dr.Sc.Tech., Professor V.V. Rozhentsov2
2Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola

Keywords: game endurance rate, text, technology.

Background. Athletic training systems in different sport disciplines are being developed by persistent efforts to improve the educational and training process. According to V.E. Zankovets and V.P. Popova [6], the complexly structured team sport disciplines where competitive success and progress is not always predictable enough are the most problematic in this context. Progress has been made in team sports with game speed, attacking power, competitiveness and popularity being on the rise for the last few years. It is only natural, therefore, that the relevant standards and requirements to the athletic fitness tests in the educational and training process have changed as well [8]. It is the game endurance development component of the athletic training process that shall be in top priority in the modern team sports as it is pivotal for competitive success, as provided by D.L. Korzun et al [10].

Objective of the study was to provide theoretical grounds for the game endurance development and test technology.

Methods and structure of the study. The new method implies a round track being formed by a light emitter on a horizontal surface with standard width and straight and curved sections varying in difficulty levels where the subject may demonstrate his/her maximal movement speed and body balance and control skills. Furthermore, the track is marked by light indices into sections with the light marks flying along the track at the preset speed as required by the test difficulty rate. The test modes are selected from the relevant database (library) that offers a wide variety of route configurations and speed variations in every section of the round track.

The tested athlete is required to repeatedly run the track with or without the sport apparatus keeping within the light marks, with every divergence from the light track fixed as a technical error. Video captures of the test process are analysed using a computerised test system that records errors and progress of every subject in every attempt to run the circle. When the error rate of some subject is detected to grow abruptly, the system will fix the stable run distance and time to calculate the subject’s endurance rate in the specific test conditions [11].

Study results and discussion. Sport researchers and analysts have given a due priority in their studies to definitions of endurance; sets of criteria applicable for the endurance rating tests; and correlations of endurance with other physical qualities. However, researchers including physiologists, biologist and psychologists, physical education specialists, sport practitioners and coaches differ in their interpretations of endurance at this juncture, with all of them recommending different ways and approaches to cultivate and develop endurance. Generally, interpretations of endurance are dominated by the following two definitions:

(1) Endurance means the bodily ability to resist fatigue in the muscle work process, the ability dominated by the adaptive responses geared to prevent excessive shifts in the bodily functionality; and

(2) Endurance means the ability to maintain high working capacity for a long time; albeit it is emphasised that endurance is important not only for the long-term work but also for short-time loads including sprints or repeated weightlifting exercises etc. where endurance is no less important for performance quality, intensity and duration [5].

In the educational context, endurance may be considered and rated using the relevant general and specific criteria, with the endurance being naturally classified into general and special one. A variety of general endurance testing and developing issues have been considered in a few studies [12-14].  G.N. Germanov et al [5], however, tend to support V.S. Farfel in his opinion that endurance is always special as it can be manifested and rated only in a selective manner as required by the specific activities rather as some ideal general quality. Many researchers tend to agree with this viewpoint and believe that endurance is always sport-specific in its manifestations and progress.

Thus, Y.V. Verkhoshanskiy [4] underlines that endurance is an abstract notion with no ‘general endurance’ applicable in specific practical sports since the classification of endurance into the general and special is misleading in fact. The adaptive morpho-functional endurance-focused transformations in every body system are always focused, specific and interrelated. Therefore, as many endurance classes as there are sport disciplines should be considered in sport science [5]; with the endurance training process being dictated by actual competitive conditions, performance requirements and key muscle groups involved. This opinion is supported by I.V. Zakharkina et al [7] who go even further stating that independent ‘physical qualities’ do not exist, but what actually exists is the interrelated and interdependent specific bodily motor actions geared to attain specific results and rateable by certain performance characteristics.

Therefore, game endurance may be defined as the time-specific product of a few physical qualities that ensure an adequate working capacity being maintained for a certain time period in the training and competitive process in specific team sports. Endurance may be developed using specific practices that shall be designed on an all-round basis to offer a wide range of motor actions of different intensity [16].

Presently endurance in sports is developed by the uninterrupted even, uninterrupted variable and interval training models with the latter being the most popular and efficient as it gives the means to prudently manage the training process by the varied-intensity and varied-duration intervals with the relevant rest breaks to secure fast progress in the endurance building domain [15]. Game endurance is developed by controlled-time matches broken into many periods/ times plus special training exercises in the breaks when a certain score is achieved or in between the game periods [3].

Presently in modern team sports preference is given to top-speed shuttle sprint for the endurance testing purposes for the reason that they reasonably well mimic specific physical loads in the relevant sport disciplines. The shuttle sprints may be varied to rate some specific speed qualities including start-up and finish spurts, acceleration, movement coordination when the run direction is changed, plus the fatigue growing process in the submaximal shuttle sprint loads [9]. It should be noted that the first sprint cycle in the shuttle run sequence is used to rate the individual speed qualities; with the total test time making it possible to rate the individual tolerance to fatigue i.e. endurance; and the total test distance being indicative of the working capacity [17].

Recent progress in the global genetic studies made it possible to expand the range of the studies to find potential genetic predispositions for certain types of physical work and relevant endurance levels. The studies have found the following genetic markers associated with endurance: ACE, EPAS1, GNB3, HFE, NFATC4, NOS3, PPARA, PPARGC1A, PPARGC1B, TFAM, VEGFR2, ADRB2, ADRB3, including UCP2 55Val as the game-endurance-specific marker [1].

It should be noted that specific physiological, psycho- physiological and psycho-somatic rates may differ in informative value at different stages of a long-term training process as opposed to the genetic markers [2].

Conclusion. The study provides theoretical grounds for the game endurance development and test technology that makes it possible to increase the time of individual working capacity being maintained in the training and competitive process in specific team sports. The new technology offers a variety of physical training and training process management tools varied in intensity levels and duration to secure fast progress in the endurance building domain. The technology offers the relevant endurance progress rating tests to make necessary revisions to the training process.


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Objective of the study was to provide theoretical grounds for the game endurance building and testing technology. Progress has been made in team sports with game speed, attacking power, competitiveness and popularity being on the rise for the last few years. The progress is associated with the relevant revisions of the players’ fitness standards and requirements to the fitness rating tools and methods applicable in the educational and training process.

The new method implies a round track being formed by a light emitter on a horizontal surface with standard width and straight and curved sections varying in difficulty levels where the subject may demonstrate his/her maximal movement speed and body balance and control skills. Furthermore, the track is marked by light indices into sections with the light marks flying along the track at the preset speed as required by the test difficulty rate. The tested athlete is required to repeatedly run the track with or without the sport apparatus keeping within the light marks, with every divergence from the light track fixed as a technical error. Video captures of the test process are analysed using a computerised test system that records errors and progress of every subject in every attempt to run the circle. When the error rate of the subject is detected to grow abruptly, the system will fix the stable run distance and time to calculate the subject’s endurance rate for specific test mode.