Spiritual and ethical aspects of academic physical education process



PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Opletin1, 2
1Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm
2Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, Perm

The study considers the spiritual and ethical aspects with the relevant cultural potentials of the academic physical education process; and offers the tools, mechanism, program and ways to address these issues. The authors offer an experimental physical education model geared to attain the following goals: good education, cultivation, special self-development technologies, and due educational support in the personality development process. High priority is given to the traditional national physical education standards in the track and field sports, gymnastics, team sports and ski sports. In addition, the new physical education model offers a variety of untraditional tools including massage, self-massage, musical illustrations, therapeutic sounds, color therapy, joints-working gymnastics, respiratory practices, yoga basics, body tempering procedures, self-defense basics, and motivating suggestions. The combined toolkit offered by the physical education model gives the means for a future bachelor to develop good health, stamina and ability to control the own physical and mental condition.

Keywords: spiritual and ethical aspects, academic physical education process, self-development, physical education model


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