IT and analytical support system to facilitate students' self-control and motivations for GTO complex tests



PhD, Associate Professor D.I. Surnin1
PhD, Associate Professor N.A. Usachev1
PhD, Associate Professor Т.А. Khorosheva2
1Volga Region State University of Service, Togliatti
2Togliatti State University, Togliatti

The article outlines an IT and analytical support system (including Be_Ready software toolkit and an individual digital portfolio called GTO-Profile) that was implemented under the academic education curriculum (AEC) of Volga Region State University of Service under the Russian Physical Culture and Sports ‘Ready for Labor and Defence’ (GTO) Complex reinstatement project. The system was designed to form a GTO Complex test database to track the students’ physical progress in the academic trainings for the GTO Complex tests in particular and academic education process on the whole. The study shows practical benefits of the GTO-Profile digital portfolio in the AEC that provides a modern efficient self-rating and self-presentation toolkit to rate the academic, physical and sporting progress of every student; improve the individual motivations for academic sports; shape up the individual reflection abilities to fairly rate and analyze the own physical fitness and progress; and effectively build up the necessary professional and general cultural competences.

Keywords: Be_Ready software toolkit, physical fitness, GTO Complex, digital education system, digital portfolio.


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