Modern professional football clubs: financial and economic management models
PhD, Associate Professor A.E. Matveyev1
Associate Professor Z.Kh. Nizametdinova1
Associate Professor J. Polishkene1
1Financal University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Subject to the study of different club financing and economic management models were a few European and Russian football clubs varying in the reported profitability rates. The study data showed the financial management standards of the national clubs being still notably lower versus the foreign football clubs, albeit it should be emphasized that the modern Russian football has come quite close to the modern European financial management standards and has shown fast progress rates in many aspect including the club profitability rates. High quality financial performance is viewed among the key prerequisites for a club progress and accomplishments, with the club progress in many aspects including competitiveness being driven rather by an efficient financial management than the actual amounts of the available and invested finance.
Keywords: financing, profitability, football clubs, analysis.
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