Future physical culture and sports managers' economic competency building model
PhD, Professor I.Y. Sazonov1
O.V. Lomovtseva1
Dr.Hab., Professor А.М. Kuzmin2
1Yekaterinburg Institute of Physical Culture (branch) of Ural State University of Physical Culture, Yekaterinburg
2Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk
The study was intended to define the meaning of economic competency of the future physical culture and sports managers; outline the key modules of such competence; and offer an economic competency building model including three main constituents. The study spells out the key economic competency levels, criteria and progress rates in application to the future sport managers; reports benefits of the physical culture and sports managers’ economic competency building model as demonstrated by the model piloting experiment; and analyses the necessary institutional and educational provisions for success of the model.
The economic competency is ranked high among the other professional competences of the future physical culture and sports managers and includes the following three constituents: economic competency of a children’s and youth sport institution manager; economic competency of a commercial sport institution manager; and economic competency of a professional sport institution manager.
Keywords: economic competency, physical culture and sports manager, institutional and educational provisions, economic competency building model.
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