Continuous college-to-university physical education technology: case study Physical Education and English Language disciplines
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor R.S. Nagovitsyn1
Dr.Hab., Professor A.V. Tutolmin1
PhD, Associate Professor Y.G. Maksimov1
P.B. Volkov1
1Glazov State Pedagogical Institute named after V.G. Korolenko, Glazov
The study analyses benefits of a continuous college-to-university physical education technology tested on an individualised education model designed to train a physical education specialist. The frame continuous college-to-university physical education model includes the legislative, goal-setting, technological and completion modules and tests solutions for the following process goals: multidisciplinary training of a physical education specialist; individualisation of the continuous physical education technology; education quality improvement; time saving on the college-to-university education route; higher education service internationalisation; and networking/ clustering of the college-to-university process. New cluster-technology-based education trajectories were offered to meet the modern requirements to education specialist’s competencies including the federal standards on the whole and academic system performance standards in particular in relation to the foreign students’ education service. To facilitate implementation of the continuous physical education technology, the study offers a special curriculum for the remote training of education specialists majoring in Physical Education and English Language sub-disciplines of the academic Pedagogical Education discipline.
Keywords: physical education, pedagogical education, continuous physical education, individualised education, networking, clustering, education trajectory
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