Interactive distance education technologies: physical education and sports educational process quality analysis
PhD, Associate Professor Y.A. Veselovskaya1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Sidorova1
PhD, Associate Professor N.G. Kuzina1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Stolyarova1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after V.I. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk
One of the priority problems of the modern remote education system is the sagging service quality. The distance education quality may be rated by the following criteria: curriculum; technical and programmatic provisions; education process methods and technologies; and competences built up at every process stage. The education process experiment was designed to test an interactive distance education model on 40 students majoring in 44.03.05 Pedagogic Education discipline (including the Physical Education course and Life Safety course), under the Information and Communication Technology Application in Education curriculum. The experimental interactive distance education model was proved beneficial as verified by the bachelors’ progress in the competency building, with the academic progress found to be notably advanced by the interactive distance education technologies.
Keywords: interactive technologies, distance education quality, physical education and sport department students.
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