New training load rating method in weightlifting




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2018, pp.78-82

Dr.Hab., Professor Y.P. Kobyakov1
Postgraduate, Honoured Master of Sports A.V. Lovchev1
1Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs, Vladimir

Objective of the study was to provide grounds for and develop a new training workload rating method for weightlifting sport with application of energy costs in the International Physical Values Rating System (Systeme International d`Unitas, SI) i.e. in Joules (J) and kilo-Joules kJ.
Weight travel trajectories for the classical moves in weightlifting were profiled and analyzed to compute the energy costs of the classical moves in the SI values. The new method gives objective and adequate data on the energy costs of the weightlifting moves that may be applied to control the training process in different body weight categories, with a special emphasis on the heavyweight group. The new method may be beneficial for the energy cost profiling for different movement sequences in modern weightlifting sport.

Keywords: training process, training workload, rating, SI system.


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